So, they were finally done. I had to rip out a whole evening's work because I had an extra stitch. They were great when they finally were finished and Jessica graciously agreed to model them, as you see in the picture. Now, I've started a pair of "Trekker" sox for my youngest niece, Marisa. The guys want pairs as well. I'm going to be very busy, but I'm staying away from the stretchy yarn. The pattern is Miriam Felton's "Simply Trekking Socks" and it is working up very nicely.
I went to the NYC Knit Out last weekend and was fascinated by Betsy Ioannou's demonstration of magic loop and two sock circular knitting. I thought I got the gist, but it doesn't work for me when I try it. I wonder if that's because my circular needles are over 40 years old? I never enjoyed circular knitting much, and found double point knitting to be easier. Just my luck, the new thing to try is knitting with circulars. Another challenge I've set myself up for. I think I'll just buy a new larger circular to try it again, and then see if it works.
I stopped knitting before to take a picture of Lula. She climbs over anything I'm doing if I'm in her path, and knitting is no exception.